For Missionaries

partner with missionariesAt Hope From Above Inc. (HFA) an important aspect of our work is the partnership with missionaries on the field. If you are in ministry and at a stage where you wish to move towards a ministry amongst the inaccessible and unreached who do not yet have access to the good news, please contact us! Whether you consider yourself a church planter, a translator, or in any other form of ministry, we would like to explore the possibility to partner with you. We can evaluate whether there is an opportunity for us to assist you in overcoming any barriers using aviation and technology solutions. Even if we aren’t able to work with you directly we would love to hear from you and say thank you for your vision, hard work and ministry!

Please note that our focus is on pioneering ministries, not because we see it as a higher calling, but because we see it as our calling at HFA.


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world.”

- Matthew 24:14

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