Current Vacancies
We are currently seeking applicants for the position of
Mission Statement
The purpose of Hope From Above Inc. (HFA) is to help bring the gospel to unreached and inaccessible people groups, overcoming their isolation through aviation and technology, where no other alternatives are available, and without which, these people would remain unreached.
Post Description
- A competent and qualified technician, proficient in:
- Welding (MIG)
- Fabricating
- Metal Machining (lathe work/milling/drilling)
- An all-rounder willing to assist with:
- Wiring (DC-Electrical)
- Mechanical components/machinery
- A mature Christian with a sincere desire to bring salvation to the Spiritually lost.
- Competence and experience in welding (MIG), fabricating & machining.
- A team player ready and eager to assist, serve and learn.
- Ability to maintain an orderly and neat work flow.
- Drivers licence and experience towing a trailer.
What We Offer
- A well-equipped workshop.
- Opportunity to serve alongside a great team of staff and volunteers.
- A remunerated position.
- The privilege to participate in God’s call to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Job Starting Date:
As soon as practicable.
Full time – Fixed Term Contract; initially for 6 months, with the possibility to extend.
Applicants should apply in writing (including a CV) to:
The Human Resources Manager at the postal address 4/1-3 Eastspur Court, Kilsyth South, VIC 3137, Australia, or by email to: [email protected]
Considered applicants will be required to have a trial day in the workshop as an unpaid volunteer.
More Information
Phone Carol (Mon, Tues AM or Thurs.) on 03 9761 5095 or email [email protected]
Open to Australian residents only
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world.”
- Matthew 24:14
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