
Discover more of our vision and purpose through devotionals, articles, and new technology opportunities.

August 14, 2020

A photo looking down on the desk of an engineer who has plans, tools (screwdriver, pliers), and his laptop spread out in front of him.

[image from RAEng on Unsplash]
[An engineer’s desk – plans and possibilities! Image source: RAEng on Unsplash]



We’re starting a new 10-part blog series! Read all about it below:


Talking about tech


At HFA, we often get asked, “What kind of technology and aviation are you using in reaching the unreached?” The short answer is: a lot of different things! The longer answer is a bit more complicated, but very exciting, and it’s part of what this new blog series aims to cover.

One of the challenges we face is that some of our partners operate in closed or restricted access areas where talking about Jesus or bringing the Bible to people could see our partners harassed, imprisoned, or killed. We need to maintain their confidentiality to avoid putting their workers at risk.

However, there are some aviation and technology that we use for mission work which we are at liberty to talk about, and that’s what we want to showcase in this blog series.


Series overview


The series will cover:


  • Audio Bibles (both obvious and hidden devices)
  • High-altitude balloons and satellite tracking
  • Drones and remote control
  • Flying machines (eg. planes and helicopters)
  • and the process we went through in developing an entirely new technology: the waterdrone!


These are by no means all the solutions used, but we hope this blog series will give you a taster of what HFA does.


Technology as tools, Jesus at the centre


[At the foot of the cross. Image Source: Pixabay]


It’s exciting to see all the innovations in mission work today, but technology is only ever a tool to carry the message about Jesus “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8) so that everyone can hear it. The method isn’t the centre, the message is!

We hope this exploration of the myriad ways technology can be used for the Great Commission confirms that God can use anything to build His kingdom, and inspires you to ask: What else is out there? What else can we use?

Join us in finding out!

Click here for part 1 – audio Bibles.


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“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world.”

- Matthew 24:14

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