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April 14, 2014


Sunday the 13th April marked the day that HFA launched in a number of ways. The vision of HFA was shared with over 100 people, the work was dedicated in prayer to the Lord, and all our promotional material and displays were ready to raise awareness of the need to bring the gospel to isolated unreached people groups.

During the service there were presentations from the director and two board members sharing the vision for HFA. Hans, the director, talked about a tribe who lived in spirit cults where death and fear were part of their everyday lives, and who never had the opportunity to hear about the saving grace of the Gospel. He shared about the transformation that occurred when missionaries had the opportunity to live with them and share the good news.

The call to reach such people with the gospel is at the heart of the work of HFA. Hans shared how HFA wants to partner with different missions, by providing aviation and technology opportunities, to reach tribes and people groups who are living in isolation. Whilst flying a small helicopter around the stage area, he explained the many possibilities for a helicopter to access a very remote area of land. Brian, a board member of HFA, also shared a variety of other aviation and technological solutions that could potentially be used. Finally Richard, another board member, reminded us of what the Gospel is all about. The service concluded with a time of prayer to hand all the plans over to the Lord, to ask for His provision and protection, and to pray for all the staff and volunteers who have been involved in HFA so far.

We want to thank everyone for your support and encouragement during this dedication, and above all we give God the glory for the opportunity to serve him in this work.





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“After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb.” 

- Revelation 7:9

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