Terms & Conditions

Welcome to our Site. These are our Terms & Conditions for use of the Site, which you may access in several ways, and apply whenever you access the Site.


The material on this site comes from a variety of sources and authors, including staff members, volunteers, and overseas partner organisations. Hope From Above Inc. (HFA) does not necessarily endorse views expressed by contributors to this site.

We strive to keep the information stored on this site up to date, but we cannot guarantee that the information provided is completely accurate. Any mistakes that are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible.


Use of the material on this site for educational purposes and to raise awareness is encouraged. HFA gives permission for articles, and other materials to be reproduced for educational purposes or personal use, provided the information is not changed, and the source is acknowledged appropriately.

Use of the material on this site, including names, images, pictures and logos, used for purposes other than educational or personal use must have prior permission from HFA. Please contact us for more information.


This site contains links to external websites. HFA takes no responsibility for the content of such sites, nor do links to such sites imply endorsement of the views expressed by the organisations or individuals responsible for them.


HFA’s logo must not be downloaded, copied or used for any purpose without permission of HFA. Please contact us for more information.

“After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb.” 

- Revelation 7:9

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