What does Hope From Above Inc. (HFA) do?

HFA helps existing ministries, with aviation and technology, to bring the Gospel to unreached and inaccessible people groups. Our main focus is on Research, Aviation and Technology Solutions, and the Raising of Awareness. To find out more about each of these areas click here.

What is an inaccessible unreached people group?

An unreached people group is a people group among which there is no community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelise the group. An inaccessible unreached people group is an isolated community that could not find out about the Gospel by their own initiative. For more details click here.

Is HFA an international organisation?

No, we are an Australian not-for-profit organisation based in Melbourne. We work overseas by partnering and networking with existing ministries, whom we consider the experts on the ground. Sometimes we simply support them with technology for their own use. On other occasions we send our staff (e.g. a pilot) to work alongside the existing organisation long term. This saves us the time, effort and costs, as we avoid registering and setting up HFA overseas. Currently we are involved in projects overseas, from Asia to Africa.

Who are your partners?

We form partnerships with missions, churches, ministries and individuals who can use our services. These are groups such as Wycliffe Bible Translators or Voice of the Martyrs, to name a couple. We also form partnerships with churches, organisations and individuals who may wish to support our work, in particular through prayer. These are groups such as Help The Needy Mission in India, or the Mount Evelyn Christian Reformed Church in Australia. Partners are an important part of our ministry, for an explanation see our networking page.

How many people work for your organisation?

HFA presently has about 25 staff and volunteers working worldwide, with numbers fluctuating based on the current needs. Additional people assist on specific projects as and when needed, for example with specific research.

Why are there no pictures of your staff on the website?

Some inaccessible unreached people groups can be in volatile environments. For security reasons we are careful not to provide information that would put our staff in unnecessary danger.

What distinguishes HFA from other mission aviation organisations?

HFA takes an ‘out of the box’ approach to seek solutions for very specific needs. Such solutions could involve balloons, drones or chartered helicopters. The type of solution depends on the needs identified through research, and the feedback we receive from the ministries we support. We do not compete with other mission aviation organisations, but seek to complement their work by filling gaps of unmet needs.

How do you start a project?

Firstly, we research where an isolated people group is located and find out which ministry may desire to reach them. Secondly, we ask that ministry what is holding them back from reaching the people group, and what would help them to overcome the obstacles. Thirdly, if need be, we look at aviation and technology solutions to see if we can help the ministry to overcome these obstacles.

How can a drone be used for missions?

While there is hardly a limit to its application, we see the utilisation of drones at present mainly for aerial photography. Drones can help to locate the whereabouts of a nomadic tribe or to do a survey of the jungles to find the people in the first place. They can be equipped with radar, infrared and optical cameras, and can also be equipped to deliver lifesaving cargo.

If you drop bibles or SD cards from a balloon or drone, how do you know where to go and that the people in that area will understand the material?

This is why research is such a critical component of our work. The purpose of HFA is to assist with specific needs (as voiced by partner organisations), as opposed to pursuing what might just be a good idea to us. When we choose to assist in the drop of bibles or SD cards, we ensure that the material is in the language of the people receiving the material, and that the material is ‘usable’ and effective.

What aircraft type are you using?

Every situation encountered so far has required a different solution from us. We try to meet those requirements by the selection of suitable technology, for example a drone. We also try to meet the need by methods such as chartering a locally available aircraft, rather than operating our own. We are more interested in diversification than standardisation, and keeping the unreached and isolated people groups in mind as a priority.

Do you own your own aircrafts?

We do not own any man carrying aircraft, but prefer to charter locally available aircraft (such as a tourist operator’s helicopter). This way the missionary gets to the isolated people group without us having to buy, house or maintain the helicopter. We also do not need air operator approvals, crews, training and logistics. We simply liaise between the missions and the local air operators and make sure that the arrangements are safe and reliable.

Do you need Pilots?

Yes we do at times need fixed wing and helicopter pilots. However as a pilot in HFA, you will most likely not be flying an aircraft. Our pilots participate in research to seek out solutions for the missionaries’ specific transport needs. They are also involved in liaising between ministries and air operators.

Do you need Aircraft Maintenance Technicians?

Yes at times we do. The work however will involve technical research and a broad variety of technician’s jobs for projects that are not necessarily related to manned aviation.

How is HFA funded?

HFA is a faith-based organisation. This means that we seek God, who owns the heaven and earth, for our ‘daily bread’. Furthermore, we seek to remain faithful to our core ministry, which is reaching the unreached people groups in isolation and the raising of awareness about these people groups. We do accept donations and we do invite fellow believers to join us in prayer for the needed resources.

How can we get a speaker to share about HFA at our church or home group?

By contacting us through this website. We have ordained pastors and speakers who can share a message with your congregation and present HFA in your church service, or at any other event. There are no obligations for you and we do not ask your group for money. We may decline your invitation depending on our schedule and the travel distance required. For more information contact us if you are interested!

How can I get involved?

First and foremost we’d love your prayers! We know that only through God’s power our ministry will be able to make an impact. For specific prayer requests, sign up to our Prayer Updates below using the ‘Join Our Mailing List’ sign-up form. For other opportunities to partner with our work have a look at our page get involved.

What kind of volunteering opportunities do you have?

That depends largely on the projects we are working on at the moment. In general we are looking for people who have a genuine interest in missions as a first priority and secondly come from a technical or administrative background.

How do I become a volunteer?

Tell us why you wish to be involved and what you enjoy doing. It would be good to hear from you what your experience is and what you are good at. Also let us know how much time per week or month you wish to be involved. We then take it from there and help you further.

“After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb.” 

- Revelation 7:9

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We publish Newsletters several times a year, and send out Prayer Updates every few weeks. If you would like to receive either of these by email, sign up below. Please note we use MailChimp as our email platform.