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May 24, 2017
As the Lord continues to provide us with opportunities to support partner organisations through aviation and technology, we are seeing exciting new developments; one of which we would like to share with you today in our latest bulletin edition.
In reflecting on the first half of the year, we feel incredibly encouraged (and reassured!) by how God is leading our ministry. The gospel is reaching people in some of the most remote and isolated places on earth, and in doing so, the hope of the Lord is changing lives! For that we are thankful, and we hope that you have some time to read this bulletin and be encouraged as well!
Thank you for your partnership in our ministry!
Blessings, The HFA Team
Articles in this issue:
Delivering Precious Cargo in the Himalaya
“…the joy grew into unsurpassable jubilation and a dance from which even the oldest of bones couldn’t abstain.”